Rules governing access to the IFRC archives

The IFRC classifies as public the following records:
1. IFRC publications that the secretariat makes available for sale to the public or distributes to the public for free.
2. Decisions of the General Assembly, and policies and reports adopted through a decision, except for those decisions, policies and reports designated confidential by the General Assembly.
3. Decisions of the Governing Board, and reports adopted through a decision, except for those decisions and reports designated confidential by the Governing Board.
4. Minutes and reports of the General Assembly and of the Governing Board more than 20 years old.
5. Unrestricted files of the secretariat that are more than 30 years old.
6. Records classified “restricted”, which are generally records containing personal data, are closed to the public.
The period after which a record becomes public is calculated from the date on which the record is closed.

Digital cameras are permitted for making research copies of documents for personal use only.
Consulting IFRC archives is possible only by appointment with the 

Registration form for visiting researchers 

• Researchers who have booked their appointment with the IFRC Archives must complete the IFRC Archives Researcher Registration Form (French) Registration Form (English).

Researchers must either send their completed form to before their planned visit, or they can manually complete a printed form and hand it to the IFRC archivists during their visit.